
Digital Freelance Illustrator

♡ Portfolio ♡

A small summary of my work

♡ Commissions ♡

My Commission Types & more art examples

Prices for personal-use commissions, & my current Waitlist

♡ T.o.S. ♡

My Terms of Service for personal and commercial-use Commissions

♡ Portfolio ♡

Below is a gallery of some of my previous work.
Click to enlarge images.

♡ Commission Types ♡

Please click the buttons below for more examples.

Commission price table

TypesBase Price (Euros)Base Price (USD*)
Thigh/Knee-up300 EUR325 USD
Fullbody350 EUR380 USD
Dakimakura450+ EUR (per side)485+ USD (per side)
Reference Sheets500 - 600+ EUR540 - 650+ USD
BG Illustration450 - 700+ EUR485 - 750+ USD

[ Prices above only apply to personal-use commissions. ]
Please (click here) for my rates on commercial projects.
♡ Current Commission Spots ♡1. Hueshanlilia, (X), Dakimakura
2. -
3. -
(max.)♡ Current Waitlist Spots ♡1. -
2. -
3. -
Waitlist spots can only be claimed through partial or full payment, after having discussed the commission request details.Waitlist spots will be upgraded into regular commission spots systematically from top to bottom, once a commission spot clears.
I will notify the customer via DM or Email once I am ready to start working on the commission, and demand the rest of the payment as usual.
Please allow a waiting period of around 1-4 weeks at a time between spots.
(2x-Tier Commercial-use commissions hold priority and will skip the waitlist process regardless of commission spot availability)
Please send me a Direct-Message or Email (in which case, please mention your nametag (@))
containing the following information:
1. Your PayPal Email
2. Email I should send the finished drawing to
3. Usage
4. Commission type
5. Character Ref sheet/ Reference images
(Drawings are preferred to photographs)
6. Brief description of character
7.* Preferred pose/Expression
8.* Background preferences
9.* Other Info:
(*marked are optional)
I accept payment plans for both personal and commercial-use commissions.
(Usually within the time span of 2 months; 50/50 payments are preferred but not required.)
-Only available for commissions over 300 Euros.-
2 Characters will be double the original price, however
* USD Prices only for reference purposes, please convert your currency to [GER] Euros when paying.The USD amount seen in my price table is rounded and not 100% accurate.
Exchange rates may vary.

♡ T.o.S. ♡

Guidelines and prices for Commercial use differ from the ones stated on here, please click the button above for more information.
Terms of service.
For personal-use commissions.
❌ Personal-use commissions may only be used and reposted with credit on non-profit websites like Instagram or Twitter, you cannot use them for Twitch/YouTube/or any other ad supported websites. Please reffer to my commercial-usage T.O.S. instead if you intend to use the drawing on there. ❌
Please carefully read through the following text to avoid any misunderstandings later on.
It's important for you to read and understand it as you'll be automatically accepting my terms upon your purchase.
If you happen to have any questions left, please don’t hesitate to ask me!
After that, feel free to send me a direct-message/email with the necessary info and my commission form.
(which can be found under my “Prices & Waitlist” section, right below the price tables).
IMPORTANT:- I will place you on my Waitlist/Commission list only after i received full commission details & at least part of the payment.
(Please Direct Message/ or Email me to claim a spot.)
- Payment via Paypal only.
- I only accept payment in [German] Euros €, if you're using a different currency you will have to convert it beforehand.
- I always send the sketch & lineart step for approval/possible adjustments before finishing the drawing to ensure that you are content with my artistic choices.
- No refunds after payment is made
(the only exception being if i can no longer finish your commission for whatever reason).
❌ !! You are NOT allowed to resell/sell or profit off of my work in ANY way if you commissioned me for personal use !!❌❌This also includes using my art on Twitch/Youtube or any other Ad-supported site.❌You may only repost the image or use as profile pic on non-profit Websites (like Instagram, Twitter, DeviantArt, Reddit)
with proper credit given somewhere in the description.

———————————————THINGS I WILL DRAW:
Anime/Manga/Game/Movie Characters
OC's (Original Characters)
Small animals, pets/mascots
I'm most comfortable drawing young(er)-looking, cutesy girls and designs.THINGS I WILL NOT DRAW:
Anything NSFW/ R18
(a little blood/Ecchi is ok, but i wont draw extreme gore/nudity/questionable fetishes/...)
Demonic symbols/ill-bringers
(upside-down crosses, etc..)
(^ i would still be willing to draw the characters themselves (demons/witches/etc) but without the symbols)
Real people
(^ I’ll not work with photographs being my only reference anymore, however I’ll still accept the commission if you already have “anime-fied” versions of the person/or anime characters you think look very similar i can use as a ref)
MORE IMPORTANT INFORMATION:2 Characters will be double the original price, however
Detailed character designs will cost more, depending on the complexity +15- ---€.
(Examples for detailed designs: wings/multiple big tails/armor/a lot of accessories/weapons/animals/complicated designs or patterns/a lot of ruffles/lace/tattoos/..)
Every drawing includes a simple/transparent Background for free.
More detailed backgrounds will cost extra, depending on the difficulty +30- ---€.
You may only make MINOR changes to the overall design after i accepted your payment.
Changes to the commission can only be requested during the sketch phase. (except i made some major color-scheme mistakes/etc)
Finished drawings will be send in HQ via email (as .png file)Private-use commissions always come with a small watermark.And last but not least:
Please be patient, I am a fairly slow worker so it could take me a while to finish your commission;
But I will update you regularly so you know how far I've come with the drawing(s).
You are also free to message me about updates anytime! I usually reply within a day or two! ~
If you have a tight deadline you can request me to prioritise your commission for a surcharge of +50€.♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡

> Dakimakura pillow design, usually depicts the body from head to toe (front/side/back view are possible),
always includes simple white bedsheet BG.
Additional decorations possible. <
Click images to enlarge.

> Thigh-up, roughly depicts the body from head to thigh/upper shin ratio. <
Click images to enlarge.

> Fullbody, depicts the body from head to toe. <
Click images to enlarge.

> Full Illustration with detailed background; thigh-up to fullbody depiction. <
Click images to enlarge.

> Outfit and Full Character design reference sheets available.
Typically depicts fully shaded Fullbody front-view, Base-colored Fullbody back-view, and a couple enhanced features and accessoires.<
Price will increase depending on complexity and whether or not i will be working off of a reference or design the outfit/character myself.Click images to enlarge.

Commercial-use Commissions

Please carefully read through the following text to avoid any misunderstandings later on.
It's important for you to read and understand it as you'll be automatically accepting my terms upon your purchase.
If you happen to have any questions left, please don’t hesitate to ask me!
What counts as commercial use?
Anything that could make you profit off of my drawing in one way or another,
So posting/using my art on ad-supported sites (YouTube, Twitch, etc.);
As well as making actual products with my art on it and selling it afterwards.
Drawings that you want to use in a Visual Novel/Book,
Logos or other ‘decorations’ for your business/online shop/website/etc. are also included in this list.
Do YouTube assets (banner, avatar, using art in videos) count as commercial-use?
Yes, the same goes for Twitch, Patreon and any other ad-supported site.
(you can find my private-use prices for reference under the “Prices & Waitlist” section)
There are 3 price tiers:
1. - 1x personal-use price, not for commercial use
2. - 1.5x personal-use price, commercial use when the artwork is not the bulk of the product
(promotional material (Twitch Banners etc), CD cover, game assets, social media artwork, etc.)
3. - 2x personal-use price, commercial use when the artwork is the bulk of the product - bought copyrights
(body pillow, clothing/accessories, postcard, merchandise, etc.)
Commercial usage commissions have higher priority over my normal commissions,
meaning that they don't follow the normal waiting time (unless a client stipulates a deadline, some delay can occur).
Extra fees can be expected for complex art pieces or if asked to do many art reviews (fixes) when the drawing is near to be completed.
So please be clear in your order!
By commissioning me for commercial-use tier 3,
you automatically buy the copyrights to my drawing and are able to use it freely for the previously disscussed purpose/project.
As the artist I hold every right to the produced artwork, so I may:
⭕️ Post/display the picture anywhere in order to promote myself
(giving you proper credit as the owner of the characters or project) unless discussed otherwise.
⭕️ Post WIPs of the illustrations on my social media, unless discussed otherwise.
You are NOT ALLOWED to:
❌ Change, modify or use my works for purposes that weren't discussed in the initial project.
❌ Take credit for the art.
Giving me credit for the artwork somewhere is very much appreciated, but not necessary.More important information:
Payment via Paypal only.
Payment in [German] Euros €,
if you're using a different currency please convert it.
I will start working on your commission after I received at least 50% of the Payment.
I will ask for the other half as soon as I finished the sketch and there are no revisions to be made.
No refunds after payment is made (except when i cant finish your commission for whatever reasons).
(If you're not satisfied with the outcome of the drawing we can talk about changes/adjustments!)
I always send the sketch & lineart step for approval before finishing the drawing.———————————————THINGS I WILL DRAW:
Anime/Manga/Game/Movie Characters
OC's (Original Characters)
Small animals or pets
I prefer working on young(er), cutesy-looking girls.THINGS I WILL NOT DRAW:
Anything NSFW/ R18
(a little blood/Ecchi is ok, but i wont draw any inappropriate things/themes like extreme gore/nudity/fetishes/...)
Any 'anti religious'/demonic symbols/ill-bringers
(upside-down crosses, etc..)
(^ i would still be willing to draw the characters themselves (demons/witches/etc) but without the symbols)
Real people
(^ I’ll not work with photographs being my only reference anymore, however I’ll still accept the commission if you already have “anime-fied” versions of the person/or anime characters you think look very similar i can use as a ref)
If you commission me for a batch of characters/drawings at once, i will reduce the regular price by up to -20% as a sort of quantity discount.Detailed character designs will cost more, depending on the complexity +10- ---€.
(Examples for detailed designs: wings/multiple big tails/armor/a lot of accessories/weapons/animals/complicated designs or patterns/a lot of ruffles/lace/tattoos/..)
Every drawing includes a simple/transparent/white Background for free.
More detailed backgrounds will cost extra, depending on the difficulty +10- ---€.
Changes to the commission can only be requested during the sketch phase.
(except i made some major color-scheme mistakes/etc)
Finished drawings will be send in HQ via email (as .png file)———————————————Please fill out the “How to Commission me” form below my price list if you want to commission me for commercial-use and include a brief summary of what you would use my artwork for;Or if it's a lengthy project/can't be explained through a form:
Let me know what you are working on (game, story, etc.).
I would love to hear about your project before taking it into consideration!
I would prefer a concise summary that represents the core of the project, just to get a sense of the type of drawings that I will have to work on for you.
Next, I would need information on what I will be drawing and the quantity of illustrations you need from me so that I can adjust the price accordingly.
Also, please let me know if there’s a deadline involved so I can tell you if I am able to join your project or not.
I am looking forward to work with you!